2.21. Plugins#

aiomisc can be extended with plugins as separate packages. Plugins can enhance aiomisc by mean of signals.

To make your plugin discoverable by aiomisc you should add aiomisc.plugins entry to entry to entry_points argument of setup call in setup.py of a plugin.

# setup.py

    # ...
        "aiomisc": ["myplugin = aiomisc_myplugin.plugin"]
    # ...

If you use pyproject.toml you might define it like this:

myplugin = "aiomisc_myplugin.plugin"

Modules provided in entry_points should have setup function. These functions would be called by aiomisc and must contain signals connecting.

If the services are started dynamically, the attached functions will run every time the services are started and stopped, however, only services that are currently starting or stopping will be in the services parameter.

# Content of: ``aiomisc_myplugin/plugin.py``
from typing import Tuple
from threading import Event

import aiomisc

event = Event()
# Will be shown in ``python -m aiomisc.plugins``
__doc__ = "Example plugin"

async def hello(
    entrypoint: aiomisc.Entrypoint,
    services: Tuple[aiomisc.Service, ...]
) -> None:
    print('Hello from aiomisc plugin')

def setup() -> None:
    This code will be called by loading plugins declared in
    ``pyproject.toml`` or ``setup.py``.

# Content of: ``my_plugin_example.py``
# ======================================================================
# The code below is not related to the plugin, but serves to demonstrate
# how it works.
# ======================================================================
def main():
    """ some function in user code """

    # This function will be called by aiomisc.plugin module
    # in this example it's just for demonstration.

    assert not event.is_set()

    with aiomisc.entrypoint() as loop:

    assert event.is_set()


# remove the plugin on when unneeded

The following signals are available in total:

  • Entrypoint.PRE_START - Will be called before starting services.

  • Entrypoint.PRE_STOP - Will be called before stopping services.

  • Entrypoint.POST_START - Will be called after services has been started.

  • Entrypoint.POST_STOP - Will be called after services has been stopped.

2.21.1. List available plugins#

To see a list of all available plugins, you can call from the command line python -m aiomisc.plugins:

$ python -m aiomisc.plugins
[11:14:42] INFO     Available 1 plugins.
           INFO     'systemd_watchdog' - Adds SystemD watchdog support to the entrypoint.

You can also change the behavior and output of the list of modules. To do this, there are the following flags:

$ python3 -m aiomisc.plugins -h
usage: python3 -m aiomisc.plugins [-h] [-q] [-n]
                                  [-l {critical,error,warning,info,debug,notset}]
                                  [-F {stream,color,json,syslog,plain,journald,rich,rich_tb}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -q, -s, --quiet, --silent
                        Disable logs and just output plugin-list, alias for
  -n, --no-output       Disable output plugin-list to the stdout
  -l {critical,error,warning,info,debug,notset}, --log-level {critical,error,warning,info,debug,notset}
                        Logging level
  -F {stream,color,json,syslog,plain,journald,rich,rich_tb}, --log-format {stream,color,json,syslog,plain,journald,rich,rich_tb}
                        Logging format

Here are some run examples.

$ python3 -m aiomisc.plugins -n
[12:25:57] INFO     Available 1 plugins.
           INFO     'systemd_watchdog' - Adds SystemD watchdog support to the entrypoint.

This prints human-readable list of plugins and its descriptions.

$ python3 -m aiomisc.plugins -s

This useful for grep or other pipelining tools.

The default prints both, the human-readable log to stderr and the list of plugins to stdout, so you can use this without options in a pipeline, and read the list to stderr.